¿Evangelizar o Adoctrinar? Dos palabras con significados opuestos a la verdad

Más de veinte siglos de historia en el cristianismo aun es frecuente que entre nuestros medios eclesiales sigamos confundiendo estos dos términos para referirnos a la hora de la difusión de la experiencia de Dios en la existencia de los seres humanos. Partamos del presupuesto que el evangelio es un “reflectir”, y a propósito ¿Qué…

The Golden Era of Biblical Exposition

For several centuries, Western readers of the English text utilized the Douay-Rheims version of the Bible originally completed in 1609 at Douay, France which was a direct translation of Jerome’s Latin Vulgate. Across the channel in Great Britain between 1585 and 1611, the original King James Version was issued. This followed Stephan’s Received Text for…

A Love Letter to God

I’ve searched for you among the solemn echoes, the whisperings of yesterday, tomorrow’s hope; looked to find my own more glorious self among the pages of unwritten hours, reflected back in rhythms and designs, in the patterns and the myths of ancient folk. I sought my true beloved in the city, where I rose up…