Senses Be Stilled – Good Morning

Upon the blue stillness lies the immensity of all seen and unseen, all wished and non-wished, all glorified and all condemned. Somewhere in the distance a wind chime softens the silence, calling upon a new soliloquy of transcendence. The sheet torn in the temple has settled on dirt floors – created and creating still; pondering…


This empty shell sits alone in silence wondering, “Who Am I,” but discovers only silence enveloping a once symphonic presence. “Who Am I” again surfaces from time to time, balancing the moments of deep inner thought with moments of complete emptiness. Does the blade of grass wonder to itself, “Who Am I” as it grows?…


I’ve been feeling a bit unsettled lately and can always count on receiving some sort of inspiration from the least expected places, so today I was paying more attention than usual – the key, it seems, is to remain open enough to hear the message when it comes through. Lately I’ve been feeling down due…

Sacred Space

Sacred Space ministry is a community of un-housed and housed people called by God into Christian community and ministry for the purpose of transforming all our lives. During our weekly outdoor worship service in Oakland and Hayward, California, we offer opportunities for private conversation, prayer, blessing or encouragement, and lunch. We draw from the resources…

Fine Silvery Threads

Creator and Created, Fine silvery threads dance confidently on Open waters, drawing up the life which Floats along vast currents. Behind the mirror existence shines back From ages past and teams of creation, Yet unseen they wait for their moment. Through dry mists glowing embers explode Casting their presence across unwatched Empty highways – waiting.…