Lenten Reflections

Lenten disciplines, like New Year’s resolutions, often start out with a great bang only to fizzle out after a couple of weeks. But don’t despair, that’s not a reason to lose hope or beat yourself up. It is a reminder, however, of our human frailty and need for Christ. After all, this is what Lent…

Where is your event horizon?

An individual’s event horizon is one’s ability to set future goals. The further one’s event horizon extends, the more likely that person will experience success. Conversely, those whose event horizons are short sighted tend to live day to day, with no real tangible goals for the future. Monarchs such as Queen Elizabeth II of Great…

¿Evangelizar o Adoctrinar? Dos palabras con significados opuestos a la verdad

Más de veinte siglos de historia en el cristianismo aun es frecuente que entre nuestros medios eclesiales sigamos confundiendo estos dos términos para referirnos a la hora de la difusión de la experiencia de Dios en la existencia de los seres humanos. Partamos del presupuesto que el evangelio es un “reflectir”, y a propósito ¿Qué…

A Love Letter to God

I’ve searched for you among the solemn echoes, the whisperings of yesterday, tomorrow’s hope; looked to find my own more glorious self among the pages of unwritten hours, reflected back in rhythms and designs, in the patterns and the myths of ancient folk. I sought my true beloved in the city, where I rose up…