What Happened to Humanity and Compassion?

In a world that’s more connected than ever, it seems paradoxical that humanity and compassion often appear to be in decline. This erosion isn’t a sudden phenomenon but rather a gradual shift influenced by several factors. 1. The Digital DivideThe rise of social media and digital communication has transformed how we interact. While it offers…

Empty Hats: The Silent and Ever Pervasive Scourge of the Old Catholic/ISM Movement

A few years ago, about midstream in our growth as a parish, I was interviewed at our Blue Bell location by Father Rick Romero. Sometime during the interview, Father asked me about why I didn’t work harder to promote or identify with the ISM movement. I said very directly that I really could care less about…

United By Grace: A Movement of “We” and not “I”

Some months ago, I made a passing comment on Facebook that has sparked an ongoing conversation. Before friends and colleagues, I proposed that we stop thinking of ourselves as an Independent Sacramental Movement and instead think of ourselves as a United Sacramental Movement.  Not surprisingly, we all did not rush out to immediately change our…