The effects of change

Tonight I feel compelled to talk about changes.. not just religious changes or bodily ones as we get older..nor necessarily spiritual ones..but change, and how it affects us. I of course can and will only speak of change personally. To do so otherwise would be to ‘talk of what I know not of” as a…

Independent Roman Catholicism?

I’ve heard it said a zillion times: Impossible! No such thing! Can’t be! A contradiction in terms! You’re delusional! I am a cradle Roman Catholic. My childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood was filled with active and enthusiastic Roman Catholicism both on my part and that of my family. For 10 years, I worked as a…

Goat? Or Sheep?

Wonderful are the promises for those who follow Jesus, our Shepherd. Yet Jesus warns of some who … Are not His sheep, for they did not heed to His voice. Though in His flock (kingdom), will one day be cast out. Yes, Jesus described a day in which the sheep and goats will be parted.…

The Merchant and the Friar

In every story their lies a grain of truth; the plays of William Shakespeare are no exception. The Elizabethan playwright modified many stories he heard for the stage. The Merchant of Venice, written in 1596, might be based on St. Anthony of Padua who lived four centuries earlier. Both persons were involved with shipwrecks, foreign…

Seeking God in Worship

Since the beginning of the reformation movement, religious movements have moved away from older traditional styles of worship to more a “contemporary” and vernacular form of worship. And while the translation into a vernacular language of texts such as the Bible as well as the preaching of the Gospel made the good news of Christ’s…