Lenten liturgical time or state of Consciousness?

On this subject there are many materials of all kinds. My goal is not to talk about the same, but to bring this to a transcendent and practical sense from our closest realities. Sometimes we do not realize that Lent is a state that is not conditioned by a certain time, rather, in the spiritual journey, Lent is a trait of introspection and confrontation against oneself and with the values ​​that somehow they have ruled us for generations, creating in us habits and customs that sometimes clash with the reality of God in our lives. When we assume Lent as a simple “liturgical time,” we detract from its transforming quality by becoming seasonal Christians. The liturgical time only indicates that this state of consciousness exists and that we should not ignore this detail in our life. Because Lent from spirituality is to become aware of our nothingness to receive the whole who is God in our life. That is why Lent is a constant state of consciousness where assumptions that we are beings of clay but in constant design in the hands of the potter there is the difference of what is a Lent for liturgy and another for condition and choice of life in the I find a God who has believed and will continue to believe in us. Because if the liturgy does not print this principle, it will only be an empty act and a repetitive act where only a time goes by and life will remain the same. It is so, because our faith more than being ceremonial is a constant witness of the transformation that God makes in each one of us and even more the Lent as a state of conscience shows us that we can not be divided from God because we are one with him.

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