From the Editor

You may notice that the format of Convergent Streams has changed a bit. For the past 5 years, we have had the same format and look. After all this time, it was decided that we would modernize the look a bit and make it a little more reader friendly.

Some of the major changes deals with the size of the print and the clean appearance of the layout. This will help those who are visually impaired and those with issues reading long articles. We have also chosen to update some of our graphics and to add more photographs to this publication.

Likewise, we will be implementing a procedure for the submission of photographs and images to used in the magazine. This comes after months of battles with an unscrupulous artist and company in Germany. Given the
lessons learned in our interactions with them over an image used in our publication, we felt the need to clarify what
is allowable and to remind everyone that the liability of submitting an image with questionable licensing will reside
with the submitter.

Likewise, we will be adding a Table of Images at the end of each edition. Regardless of whether the image is public
domain or Creative Commons, each image will be listed in the Table. If you cannot provide this information with the images you submit for the magazine, the image will not be used.

After almost 7 years of publication, our magazine has grown and continues to grow. It is our hope that with the new format and room for more articles that more clergy and laity in the Independent Sacramental Movement (Old Catholic, Independent Catholic, American Catholic, Independent Roman Catholic, Autocephalous Orthodox, Continuing Anglican, etc.), Episcopal Church, Anglican Church, Roman Catholic Church, and Orthodox Church will submit articles for publication. It is your support and submissions that keeps us going.

I am also pleased to announce that on June 19 at 4:00 PM EST, Convergent Streams will host a teleconference with Universal Spirit Broadcasting Network titled The Unidos Manifesto. We will be discussing various topics of interest to progressive clergy. We will also work together to develop a statement concerning various social justice issues currently being ignored or fought against by the current administration.

To join the conference call, you can dial in via (515) 604-9780 and then enter the conference call code of 400245. You can visit for more information on the call or to participate via the online platform. The call may last a couple of hours. We hope you will join us for this very important discussion.

In the next few months we will start our seventh year of publication and I cannot thank you all enough for your support over these past 7 years. It has been my honor and will continue to be my honor to publish this magazine. Please take a few moments to consider how you can help us continue to grow as a publication.

About Bishop Greer Godsey

Bishop Greer (Gregory) Godsey is the Presiding Bishop of the Old Catholic Churches International, Inc. as well as the Founding Editor of Convergent Streams magazine. They have been a bishop in the Old Catholic Movement for over 25 years. They live in South Carolina with their daughter and spouse.

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